Proven!, How To Smooth The Healthy Digestion

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Senin, 28 Mei 2012 0 comments
Increasing busyness makes us often eat unhealthy food. In addition to sometimes unhealthy food we consume almost instantaneous, such as instant noodles are certainly fast food and delicious taste. In addition to noodles to improve the energy in the body, sometimes we eat less fiber so it will not result in a smooth bowel movement.

Many of us who want to eat delicious food but without obstructed defecation difficult. Way that might have been a lot of people make is to drink laxative, but which becomes the question: does it not lead to laxative side effects later in life? Of course there are side effects, laxatives are not good for our body and damage internal organs that are not balanced in carrying out its functions.

As we already know that laxatives are not good for our bodies then we should immediately switch to try a healthy way to easy bowel movements. We can feel when it is difficult bowel movements will result in uncomfortable conditions. So here I give a list of pieces for easier bowel movements:

  1. Banana :Just eaten a banana before bed, and accompanied by as much as 2 cups white minumair large
  2. Papaya : Papaya flesh was eaten about half of the papaya fruit and eat the small size also youghurt, should be consumed before bed
  3. Soursop: Soursop fruit is separated from its contents and then blended with enough water, which is important soursop juice is thickened and not watery juice and do not interfere with any solution. The consumption of soursop juice after meals during the day and night.
  4. Oranges and apples: Eat as much fruit juice 4 large pieces and eat green apples as well as two pieces. Way of eating: eat the apple first apple eaten after a meal then immediately orange. Should be eaten at bedtime

If you are having difficult bowel movements you should try natural methods and do not forget to eat vegetables as well drink water. This will help in speeding up bowel movements.