To build an application with Digg, you need a toolkit Digg. Digg Digg party has released a toolkit, you can use this toolkit to build applications.
Unfortunately, for the novice web developer, homemade Digg Digg toolkit is not familiar, since it was released in PEAR package form. You need to install some other package before using the toolkit Digg.
For example, I had to install the package HTTP_Oaut2, only then Service_Digg2.

How to install Service_Digg2 through Cpanel
But believe me, I install these packages are very easy, you simply go into cpanel and select the menu configuration of PHP pear. Initially I had difficulty, but finally installed. noteworthy is the system that PHP path. sometimes arise because digg2.php not found error.
For example, appears an error like this:
Warning: require_once (Services/Digg2.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

It's just not appropriate path. The solution
ini_set ('include_path', '/ home / * yourhostaccount * / php');
require_once 'Services/Digg2.php';
Easy right? * yourhostaccount * residence is replaced with Cpanel account name.

Digg Toolkit is running normally
If the error is already completed, you can do anything with Digg, Digg Railway version 2.0 possess the following features: