Bike to Work : Save Energy and Money for Future

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Selasa, 22 Mei 2012 0 comments
Do bike to work as your style... ok?
the energy crisis became the main topic, this is a major problem all the nations of the world because without energy, it is certain that the dead, whatever money they have, if you do not have the energy. American example. If the U.S. is rich in money, but can not buy energy from iran or other middle eastern countries, they also will not be able to live. Energy can not be bought for the future. For that we should be kind enough to prepare for future energy. Energy must be conserved and continue to make alternative energy invosi.

biking to work is one way to save energy. Started cycling again popularized during recent decades, this is because the event was very useful to reduce pollution, save energy (especially oil fuels), and helps nourish the body. health care that is needed by modern humans. Many of the problems posed by modern lifestyles that are easy, without moving, without exercise, junk food. Come on, it's time we re-cycling to anywhere, to the workplace, schools, colleges, malls, golf.

Dutch country as an example
I applaud the Dutch state. able to live with the dutch bikes, a major tranposrtasi tool. That said, this country there is a very cool place, 100% pollution free. There are only used carts and bicycles, no cars or motorcycles, even if there is an electric motor. Such a place suitable for life. With cycling, the Dutch do not have to worry the problem of oil fuels.

I bike to work.
yes, I've started to live a healthy and energy efficient with cycling. Take only about 30 minutes, using the motor takes 20 minutes. the difference is only 10 minutes. In addition to a healthy body, I can also save costs for fuel oil. If all people would bike, of course, we could save a lot of money for the future.