How to Using VLOOKUP in MS Excel

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Minggu, 02 September 2012 0 comments

For some people working with computer use is a requirement and must be endured. There are so many jobs that use computers, even most of today's all the work that took place in the room or an office would have to use the computer. A computer can help you work with ease even with the computer so much work that can be resolved quickly.

If you are collecting data on your work, then use Microsoft Excel may be familiar to you because excel has been trusted to handle a variety of jobs such as lists of goods, finance, database or report sales today. There are many functions in Microsoft Excel that can help you, as you can easily do the sum by the number of very much or data matching process can all be done automatically with the various functions available in Microsoft Excel.

Why Using VLOOKUP function?

One very useful function in Microsoft Excel is VLOOKUP. VLOOKUP is a function to find the value in an index. As a simple example you have some data on the prices of products, the first column contains the product name, the second column contains the product price.

When you want to know the price of a product you just use this vlookup function. It may seem trivial, but what if the data you have hundreds or even thousands, vlookup will be very useful because it can determine the value of data quickly than if you have to check the table one by one which will certainly take a very long time. To learn more about the following is an example of using a simple vlookup function:

First of all, consider the example image below:

From the above data it can be seen that the data from the test score some children, for example, you want to know the value of a child named wendi, then you should do next write the formula = VLOOKUP (A11, A2: B15, 2, FALSE). For an explanation of the formula is as follows, for example you want to write the value wendi on other columns as shown below:

Meaning you will write down the value column wendi on E15, it means you have to write a formula in column E15, then type = VLOOKUP (A11, A2: B15, 2, FALSE) in the E15, after which you will immediately get the value in column E15 wendi as follows:

Explanation VLOOKUP Function In Example

Next we discuss the value of the last formula is = VLOOKUP (A11, A2: B15, 2, FALSE). = VLOOKUP is the key word of command vlookup so this is the most important thing. A11 Furthermore, the column where the name Wendi is the name of the data means that we will be looking for. Then A2: B15 meaning column A2 to B15 from left to right and from top to bottom, where all database names and values ​​are, in this case starting from cultivation to yana and 85 to 60.

Then I asked the meaning of the number 2 which is the second column B or column where there wendi value. And last FALSE, if the data contained in the table values ​​are sequential numbers like 50, 60, 75, 85, 90 etc then you can type the word TRUE, but if the numbers are not sequential then you should use the word FALSE.

In addition it can also be used vlookup between different sheets. Ie you can get data from database that is reference another sheet, clear vlookup function will help you assess the job becomes much easier and of course if the data you very much. So, please learn it and use it, good luck.

How to Use the VLOOKUP Function Excel - Closing

Similarly, a brief explanation of how and examples on how to use VLOOKUP in Microsoft Excel. Good luck and hopefully useful.