Innocence of Muslims Movie Kill U.S. Consulate in Libya

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Sabtu, 15 September 2012 0 comments

The series of protests against the film titled "Innocence of Muslims' Prophet Muhammad is considered blasphemous, continues in some countries, such as Libya, Egypt and Tunisia. U.S. Ambassador to Libya and a number of the U.S. Consulate staff were killed in the attack on Libya, protests related to the movie.

This film titled "Innocence of Muslims" by director Sam Bacile, which triggered large protests in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, and other countries. Depiction of the Prophet Muhammad in the film that seem amateurish, it is contrary to the beliefs of Muslims.

Various protests against the film "Innocence of Muslims" also appear. Protests broke out among others in Benghazi, Libya. U.S. Embassy building was attacked Tuesday night. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed when with three embassy staff in consulates in evacuation efforts. Building pinned down and burned them. Ambassador Chris Stevens died from inhaling too much smoke.

Protests and riots also occurred in Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of protesters climbing the fence embassy compound and ripped the U.S. flag and replaced it with a black flag. On Thursday morning, protesters clashed with police still happening at the U.S. Embassy heavily guarded police riot Egypt.

Similar protests spread to Tunisia. The situation heats up making the U.S. embassy in Asia including Indonesia guarded. President Barack Obama, accompanied by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a press conference at the White House, Washington DC, expressed his condolences on the death of Christopher Stevens and three other people.

Furthermore, the number one American had instructed a number of parties to jointly investigate and arrest the perpetrators