Miraculous Prophet Muhammad Shalallohu 'alaihi wasallam

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Jumat, 07 September 2012 0 comments

Rasulullah Shalallohu  'alaihi wasallam. will perpetuate the virtues of one's life for his people and for all people. One of them is a testament that he goes to one of his companions, Abu Dhar Al Ghifari RA. From Abu Dharr RA., He said:

"My love (Messenger) sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam intestate me with seven things:

(1) So I'm loving the poor and close to them,

(2) He told me that I look to people who are under me and not looking at the person above me,

(3) He ordered me to connect silaturahimku though they be rude to me,

(4) I was encouraged to reproduce speech Lâ haulâ wala quwwata illa Billah (there is no power and effort but with God's help),

(5) I was ordered to tell the truth though bitter,

(6) his will saying that I do not fear the reproach reproach to God in preaching, and

(7) he forbade me not beg for something else to man ".

(Reported by Ahmad) Miraculous that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. addressed to Muslims in general. In this hadith, the Prophet. intestate to Abu Dharr to love the poor and close to mereka.Karena us as his people, advice Rasululloh sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was drawn to us semuaSemoga we can fulfill this glorious testament