Car modification is one hobby that rich people do not just want to make the car more comfortable to drive but also to raise the prestige of the owner. If you've dealt with the prestige and dignity, the money will be very Priceless because there is something that can not be bought with money, that sense of pride. No wonder the car hobbyist modifications would be willing to spend them in - just to dress in their cars.
Here are 7 unusual car modification and of course have to spend a lot of money, and a modified car lost the warranty.
Here are 7 unusual car modification and of course have to spend a lot of money, and a modified car lost the warranty.
Super car lamborghini modification, just like in transformer.
Car modification with hulk theme
look at the main engine modification.. its cool engine.
vespa or car? Its like vespa, very creative car modification
Ok, thats all.. cool car.. want to by one..
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