Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne Used with Baking Soda

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Kamis, 26 Juli 2012 0 comments

Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne UsedThere are two things to consider in improving acne scars: the texture of the skin damaged by acne, and skin color are different.

 To repair the wounds caused by the skin cells of acne, there should be a routine exfoliation to remove dead skin cells. But, that does not mean it is done using a scrub in the extreme.

Baking soda is one ingredient that is easy to come by, although not a natural material, which can be used as an exfoliant that is gentle enough. Baking soda is made from refined grains are perfectly spherical shape and no harsh angles, so that the material is suitable to remove dead skin cells and skin cells that change color without injuring the skin and cause irritation.

How to use simply take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and cambur with a little water, then apply to face and massage, massage with circular movements. Do not forget to rinse afterwards. Simply use 2 times a week and no more.

To help disguise the blackened skin color, can use lemon juice. Squeeze about 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and water use such as toner three times a week. Can be applied by spray to the face or use cotton. Or, it could also be applied directly to areas of acne scars using a cotton bud.

But remember, avoid the eye area when applying lemon juice, because it can cause irritation.

Vitamin C in lemon juice triggers a chemical process that helps the skin and sloughing off dead skin cells. The use of lemon juice on the skin also helps smooth skin tone more quickly and a black mask on acne scars.