What is Google Fiber?

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Minggu, 29 Juli 2012 0 comments

What is Google Fiber? Google Fiber is a super fast internet service made ​​by Google.

Fiber service Google started Google experimental project to bring super-fast internet broadband services using fiber optic cable which began construction in May 2011.
What is Google Fiber?

Google first introduced Google's super-fast internet project on March 20 Fiber 201. Google chose Kansas City (Kansas State) and Kansas City (Missouri State), the United States as the two's first city to enjoy blazing fast internet service Google Fiber.

What exactly is so special about Google's service is Fiber? Internet connection speed up to 1Gbps Fiber Google offered to be the most special. Currently the average speed of the Internet in the United States only about 4Mbps only.

Its high speed allows users to download HD (high definition) measuring 3-6GB in minutes and users can stream multiple HD movies simultaneously in the same time.

Google is rumored to be carrying a feature of Google TV package with super fast internet service Google Fiber, this will be a strong competitor to cable TV service or satellite TV.

What is the price offered for super fast internet service Google Fiber? As quoted from the Independent, Google is rumored membandrol subscription rate of USD $ 3000 to $ 8000 or approximately Rp. 28 million to 78 million for each of the home.

Google Fiber service will be launched on July 26, you wonder?