Some researchers are investigating UFO sightings in Puerto Rico in the early 1990s, receiving reports from local residents about the bizarre creatures that often resemble a dog attack and suck the blood of livestock. Precisely in March 1995 stated that eight sheep were found dead with three stab wounds to the chest respectively. Not only that, all the animals were also found in the blood that has been depleted conditions.
In 1975, in fact also been reported any kind of livestock killings in the small town of Moca. Killer creature called El Vampiro de Moca. Vampire of Moca.
The killings of the animals was initially suspected by Satanists. But the killings continue to occur throughout Puerto rico and spread to the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Panama, the United States to Mexico. This suggests that the culprit is not Satanists.
Chupacabra term first used by a comedian named Silverio Perez Puerto Rico. It refers to the Spanish word meaning Chupar suck and cabra which means goat. The name came because the cattle were killed and their blood sucked most of the goats.
In July 2004, a rancher in San Antonio, Texas reported the existence of beings like dogs that attack livestock. He called the killer "Elmendorf creature". However, DNA analysis by the University of California concluded that the animal was a coyote (wild dogs) with severe ringworm disease.
In Coleman, Texas, a farmer named Reggie Lagow saw an animal attacking livestock, and he said that the animal resembles a mix between a hairless dog, rat, and kangaroo.
In April 2006, MosNews reported that the chupacabra was spotted in Russia for the first time. The report mentions the strange creatures that attack livestock and suck their blood. Subsequent reports also came from a neighboring village who said that 30 sheep were killed and the blood was dry.
Mid-August 2006, Michelle O'Donnell of Maine, the United States reported the existence of a creature that "look evil" shaped like a rodent with fangs found dead on the roadside. However, animal carcasses are eaten by vultures before it could be identified by experts.
In May 2007, several reports in the national newspapers Columbia mentions the existence of more than 300 sheep were killed in the area Boyoca. The possibility of the Chupacabra.
August 2007, Phylis Canion found three carcasses of creatures in Cuero, Texas. He took pictures and then cut the head off one of them and store them in the fridge to be submitted to a laboratory for DNA analysis. A Mammolog named John Young estimated that the carcasses came from a gray fox that suffered severe Ringworm (Surprisingly, there are many animals that get ringworm!)
January 2008, the Chupacabra reportedly spotted in the province of Capiz in the Philippines. Some locals believe that the chupacabra has killed eight chickens. The owner of the chickens saw a dog like animal attacking his chickens.
August 2008, serif Dewitt County deputy, Brandon Riedel filmed an unidentified animal in the street Cuero, Texas with a camera on the dashboard of his car. The animal was the size of a coyote but has no hair at all. The creature also has a long snout, short front legs and long back legs. Brandon supervisor, sheriff Jode Zavesky believe that maybe it was one of the species of coyote identified by Texas State University researchers in November 2007.
Although most people describe the chupacabra has the shape of a dog, but some other testimony seemed different. Some call Chupacabra has a shape like reptiles, have a grayish green skin and a groove near the back of the neck to the tail. Height of approximately 1 to 1.2 meters and stand or jump like a kangaroo. According to one witness, who saw the creature could even jump as high as 6 meters.
Because these creatures belong to the world kriptid, it is understandable if the theories about the origin of the creature vary.
Some researchers connect Chupacabra by gargoyles, creatures that are part of the history of Europe and is associated with evil spirits.
Some believe that the Chupacabra is the result of genetic mutation caused by the leaking chemical content of America's secret laboratory in El Yunque a mountain in eastern Puerto Rico. Labs are known to experience some damage during a storm in the 1990's, just as the Chupacabra sightings began to be reported. The U.S. military is known to have tested several chemicals in farms Puerto Rico, all without notice to local residents.
Another theory states that the chupacabra is a giant vampire bat fossils have been found in South America.
The theory does not make sense of them mention that the chupacabra is a creature apart alien pet. Some people claim that when they saw the Chupacabra, they also saw a UFO flying.
And another theory is the Chupacabra is not real beings, but rather a product of superstition and imagination.
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