How To Keep Health when Pregnant

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Selasa, 19 Juni 2012 0 comments
Body felt weak, lethargic and lackluster, is commonly experienced by pregnant women. However, pregnancy is not a disease! Which causes a person who is pregnant should only be lying in bed, eat a little or a picky eater, or even not allowed to do any work. Indeed, pregnant women often experience the symptoms that are similar to someone who is sick, but does not necessarily make the activity of interrupted right? And keep in mind, the developing fetus in your womb, requires a variety of things to make it continue to grow and healthy, including;

Healthy food
If pregnant, do not eat fish, do not eat this, do not eat it. Well, yes dong from lack of nutrition if we do not follow the recommendation of the left-right. Indeed, during pregnancy, we must be careful about food, but not the kind of food we should avoid, however, note the amount, nutritional content and nutritional balance. Try to eat regular balanced diet (4 healthy 5 perfect) or at least fill out your menu with vegetables and fruit. Occasionally, pregnant women are advised to go on a diet, follow the doctor ordered, and prepare Anda.Tapi diet menu if you do not bermasalahan with weight gain during pregnancy, little snacks during the hours between the main meal, it becomes possible, choose low-fat healthy snacks such as chips fruit or juice of green beans, etc.. Vitamins and supplements are pregnant women who have been prescribed by doctors, not to be missed.

Regular exercise
Pregnant, not a reason for you to laze around and then forget about schedules aerobic, yoga or swimming. During pregnancy, exercise is also needed, at least do a little exercise like walking on a daily basis and at least 10 minutes of exercise you normally do at least once a week. Even now there is an easy special exercises you learned at home, melaluni CDs or books pregnancy. Getting used to move during pregnancy, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy, will assist the delivery process easier.

Working while pregnant is not prohibited even encouraged to remain active at the office or in your work. However, on the sidelines, do not forget to schedule breaks. At least, close your eyes 10-15 minutes every hour off for lunch, or if necessary, lay your body some time and inhale oxygen and exhale regularly pull in a few counts (3x8 count) and feel the freshness of your body again. At night, try to sleep on time with at least 6 hours of bedtime. Pregnant women need a longer rest period, and that's as good as a rest to the developing fetus.

For pregnant women, should be kept clean, not only cleaning the body with regular bathing, washing hair, etc.. Also need to maintain cleanliness of food to eat, clean environment, including air, must also be considered. During pregnancy, we sweat more, and frequent urination, which allows the body vulnerable to exposure to germs and even bacteria.

Routine inspection
And, to know the condition of pregnancy and your health, it is highly recommended in pregnant women, for a routine pregnancy check with your doctor or medical officer, according to a schedule that has been given. Follow the instructions and remember well the diagnosis, that lets you know the state of pregnancy until labor.

Keep in mind that pregnancy is a healthy body condition and do need to pay special attention to health, all the usual everyday pregnant women should be done, in essence, mind stay relaxed, enjoy your pregnancy and about the balance!