Eating Apple Everyday Will Safe Your Life

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012 0 comments

habit of eating apples, at least two fruits daily, was effective for preventing heart disease. It is apparently because Apple has the effect of lowering cholesterol, especially the bad cholesterol.

The benefits of apple to prevent heart disease is more pronounced in women who are menopausal. Menopausal women is at high risk for heart disease and stroke.

In the study proved, the woman who for six months eating an apple every day routine cholesterol levels 25 percent lower than those who did not eat apples.

Research published in the journal Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests after three months, the total cholesterol level of the group eating the apple fell to 9 percent and bad cholesterol levels dropped 16 percent.

After six months, the decline was sharper, which fell 13 percent in total cholesterol and bad cholesterol up to 24 percent.

By contrast, in this study the researchers also analyzed the respondents who eat plums (prunes). In this group also decreased cholesterol but only slightly.

The researchers concluded that consumption of as much as two medium-sized apple fruit every day for three months can lower cholesterol. Previous research in Poland mentioned regularly eating apples can keep a person from colon cancer.