As many people thought earlier, presidential candidate Mitt Romney chose candidates for Vice President Paul Ryan on Saturday, August 11, 2012 local time.
There are five reasons why it ultimately chose Romney over Ryan, 42, a Congressman from Janesville, Wisconsin. This he reasons that:
1. So Prom King in high school
In his high school yearbook, Paul Ryan is also known by the nickname brown noser. He is well known and popular in high school clever Joseph A. Craig in Janesville.
He became pemaik football and become a member of the ski club and Latin in school. Make no mistake, he also worked at McDonald's. Although when working at McDonald's, said Ryan told The New Yorker, his manager he did not have the ability to assess social work at McDonald's counter. "Now I am even a member of Congress," said Ryan.
2. At the age of 16 years, found the body of his father lying dead of a heart attack
"When it hit my stomach like a hard blow," said Ryan told The New Yorker. "At that time I just read a lot and a lot of introspection. I read everything I could read, "he said. The books, among others affect Ryan is Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead written by Ayn Rand. Books about the destruction of socialism and government intervention is too much.
3. Once moonlighted as a waiter
When working in the fields of politics first as a speechwriter for Congressman Jack Kemp is dead now, Ryan had a maid working nyambi. But he is not been doing double work, because in 1998 when he was only 28 years, he managed to get seats in the House of Representatives.
Fiscal policy is to have influence, to the extent that New York magazine called him wonk King of Republicans because its policies are very detailed.
4. Fitness enthusiasts
With a history of heart disease in his family, Ryan became the fitness enthusiasts. He was very diligent in fitness and fitness even like to lead it in the morning along with other Congress members. To the extent that his friends nicknamed him hunting-obsessed gym rat, who was crazy about the gym.
5. Catfish Fish, carefully wrote!
Paul Ryan and his wife Janna, tax attorney, who married in 2008, had a daughter, Liza, and two sons, Charlie and Sam. The family lived in Janesville, and they often go to a Catholic church St. John Vianney.
If this family was looking to relax, they go to rural areas near Lake Texoma, Red River, between Oklahoma and Texas. Ryan's time to relax can catch catfish with one catch.
"When the cat appears, press and hold it tightly in your hand," he told The New York Times. "It sounds a little crazy, but it's very fun.
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5 Reasons Why Mitt Romney Choose Paul Ryan
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