Gita Cherry Prabhandhari, Google spam-fighter from Indonesia

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012 0 comments

Perhaps not many know a beautiful girl named Gita Cherry Prabhandhari complete this. Gita is the first and only (the one and only!) Webmaster Indonesian people who worked in the office of the search engine giant Google.
Gita Cherry Prabhandhari,

Gita digital media enthusiasts girl was born in Indonesia, obtained post-graduate scholarship to continue his studies in Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Japan and now works as a Search Quality Associate - Indonesian at Google's headquarters in the city of Dublin Ireland. Wow!!!, This Indonesian heroine who declared himself as the Google spam-fighter! So for bloggers who like this nyepam he spies nih Google specifically for ngawasin spammers in Indonesia.

Gita also the people who contributed a lot to help Kaspar Szymanski (Google Webspam Team) to answer questions straight from the Indonesian bloggers when google announced that "SEO Contest in Indonesia Violating Google TOS" in March 2012 yesterday.

The third master sweet Indonesian, English and Japanese have spesalisasi in Spam Investigation, Digital Media Planning, Web Analytics, Oral History, Social Research and Web Building. Then, because of his position as a Search Quality Associate - Indonesian then Gita has several key tasks such as:

* A review of the quality and content of the site
* Improve the quality of Google's search results by evaluating websites to identify areas of concern and interest
* Work with engineering team to improve the quality of Google search
* Develop and share practices for search quality investigation and analysis
* Examine and analyze search quality issues in Google's index
* Focus on the quality of Google search in Indonesia

Now that he's little pal Gita Cherry's profile on Google Webmaster First of Indonesia. Those who want to know more or would like to communicate with Ms.