Jon Dean Become a Moslem when he Know about Islam

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Jumat, 21 September 2012 0 comments

The story of Jon Dean back to Islam began when he decided to work in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He worked in the health and nutrition industry. Field happened to be requiring individuals like himself.

"They need me to build their industry. I know, this country is so rich, a lot of money here," recalled the man from the United States was as quoted

When he arrived in Riyadh, Jon previously did not know much about Islam. All he knew, Saudi like other Arab countries, oil-rich, war and conflict. He was concerned about whether this is the best option for him or not.

Armed with high confidence, and capitalize the understanding of Islam, Jon start petualangnya in the Arabian Peninsula with a purpose, not involved in bad things, such as imprisonment.

Every day Jon read books on Islam. For him, Islam is alien even though he was friends with the Hindu, Buddhist, atheist or Jew. Read there was a flash of interest. Understandably, he was a research biologist who thirst for curiosity.

Indeed, the interest is more to science not to touch the spiritual aspect. "I personally really like reading interesting things, such as course, Muhammad Ali, Bruce Lee," he said.