Trend Online Dating in America

Posted by Bimo Hery Prabowo On Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012 0 comments

About 10 to 15 years ago, online dating was still a novelty to be socially acceptable. But now, just the opposite. In fact, online dating is a common means to find a life partner.

Single people who are interested, can register themselves through the websites that offer online dating services. One of the largest sites in the United States,, will ask more than 400 questions before the formula secret mathematical algorithm to match companies with several prospective clients the ideal partner, in contrast to the old saying "opposite attract". Gian Gonzaga, eHarmony's Director of Research and Development spoke to VOA via Skype:

"The difference could be interesting but then a constraint. You do not have to have a lot in common in many ways, but the most important thing, "said Gian.

However Makon Fardis, a psychologist who often provide counseling to the couple, not sure of the concept of a mathematical algorithm - because he said only 7 percent of those who describe themselves honestly.

"Although it did not intend to lie, but what we see may be different from who we are. There are many cases in which the pair on paper or online is likely to fit in, but when they met, on the contrary, "said Makon.

But there was one couple who managed to find a match in this way is Mario and Tamara who met in Baltimore, the state of Maryland. Initially, Mario worried because Tamara has too much in common with him. But the first date flowed like water. After dating for a year, last month they were married.

Tamara said many benefits of online dating. He explains, "First, you get to meet a lot of people who we do not normally encounter. Second, if you feel they have no connection with your date, it is easy to end it. "

Although not many scientific studies that studied the effectiveness of dating online calculation algorithm, but a number of other studies show 20 percent of married couples now apparently met online.

Although it looks like the online dating matchmaking event in the 21st century, but for Mario and Tamara, it was fine.